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Wie groß ist eure Geocoinsammlung?


Castle Man schrieb:
I plan on releasing 400 or more this year. Anyone on this forum want to help? I know several of you already accept post packages from me to drop, thank you. Is there anyone else who would like to drop some coins in Germany? I will gladly send some. I really prefer dropping coins in Europe as I do not lose them very often. In the USA I lose 25% or more.

I would be glad, if I can drop some coins for you in Germany.


Castle Man schrieb:
I feel as if I am crazy. I have right now over 900 geocoins activated. Almost 1500 unactivated and over 400 traveling.

I plan on releasing 400 or more this year. Anyone on this forum want to help? I know several of you already accept post packages from me to drop, thank you. Is there anyone else who would like to drop some coins in Germany? I will gladly send some. I really prefer dropping coins in Europe as I do not lose them very often. In the USA I lose 25% or more.

The Heidelberg/Karlsruhe area is already pretty well covered. I could drop a few coins in Berlin in the beginning of april or some more in september...
Castle Man schrieb:
I feel as if I am crazy. I have right now over 900 geocoins activated. Almost 1500 unactivated and over 400 traveling.

I plan on releasing 400 or more this year. Anyone on this forum want to help? I know several of you already accept post packages from me to drop, thank you. Is there anyone else who would like to drop some coins in Germany? I will gladly send some. I really prefer dropping coins in Europe as I do not lose them very often. In the USA I lose 25% or more.
If help is still wanted, I can offer my address to you. 8)


Castle Man schrieb:
I feel as if I am crazy. I have right now over 900 geocoins activated. Almost 1500 unactivated and over 400 traveling.

I plan on releasing 400 or more this year. Anyone on this forum want to help? I know several of you already accept post packages from me to drop, thank you. Is there anyone else who would like to drop some coins in Germany? I will gladly send some. I really prefer dropping coins in Europe as I do not lose them very often. In the USA I lose 25% or more.

hi castle man,

have send you a pn...

Castle Man

WOOO Great help out here. I will make contacts soon with all who offer to drop coins. I am at work right now (Yes, I am a monster...I work at night in my office). I will be home in 4 hours from this post. I will try to send 4 coins to each cacher who is interested in dropping them. Maybe every town in Germany will eventually see one of my travel coins. Already several green forum members have dropped many coins. Thank you all for the fun.

Los Muertos

Castle Man schrieb:
WOOO Great help out here. I will make contacts soon with all who offer to drop coins. I am at work right now (Yes, I am a monster...I work at night in my office). I will be home in 4 hours from this post. I will try to send 4 coins to each cacher who is interested in dropping them. Maybe every town in Germany will eventually see one of my travel coins. Already several green forum members have dropped many coins. Thank you all for the fun.

I´m want to help you.
So i can drop the coins at the lake of constance :D

Let me know if you want this.



Castle Man schrieb:
WOOO Great help out here. I will make contacts soon with all who offer to drop coins. I am at work right now (Yes, I am a monster...I work at night in my office). I will be home in 4 hours from this post. I will try to send 4 coins to each cacher who is interested in dropping them. Maybe every town in Germany will eventually see one of my travel coins. Already several green forum members have dropped many coins. Thank you all for the fun.

If you would like your coins to be droped in the Ruhrvalley or in Eastern Germany, I'd be willing to help you :D


I posted already in the "blue forum" that I would be glad to help you with releasing one or more coins for you, Jim! :D


movie_fan schrieb:
ach na komm, etwas bewegung an der frischen luft ist gut, wenn man erkältet ist :)

@ movie_fan Das denkst aber auch nur du!
Mein HNO war begesitert, als ich meinte, ich würde ja gerne an die frische Luft, aber momentan...
Das war bei meiner letzten heftigen Erkältung. Sein Kommentar, dass ist reines Gift, und absolut schlecht für die Lunge....

@ All
Geneue Zahlen seht ihr auf meiner Page. Ebenso die Möglichkeit an Icons zu kommen.
Naja, die Zahlen hinken, aber was solls. Bald wird die Seite aktualisiert, dann passt es 100%
Ne, ich sammle nun auch nur noch, was mir wirklich gefällt. Irgendwo wird es dann doch zuviel...


Bei mir sind es auch so ca. 100 Stück. Müsste mal genau zählen.

@ Jim

I would like to help you with some of your Coins. I could drop some in Lower Saxony.


Mal ne blöde Frage, gelten als Sammlung die aktivierten oder die unaktivierten coins?
Was bringt eine Sammlung unaktivierter coins? Außer viel Geld bei der Bucht?

Aktivierte, die ich aber zu schön finde zum Verreisen, hab ich so circa 30 Stück. Einige warten aber noch auf den passenden Cache...
Zwei Sendungen stehen noch aus...

Die Biester haben ein hohes Suchtpotential...

Gruß, ElliPirelli


Bei mir sind es zur Zeit ca. 450 inkl. der nicht bei GC trackable Coins in 10 Alben. Aber ich habe meine Sucht im Griff! 8)

Gruss Rolf


ElliPirelli schrieb:
Mal ne blöde Frage, gelten als Sammlung die aktivierten oder die unaktivierten coins?
Was bringt eine Sammlung unaktivierter coins? Außer viel Geld bei der Bucht?
Ich hab in meiner Sammlung aktivierte und unaktivierte Coins... und nicht trackbare Coins, die kann man nicht aktivieren.

Was es bringt? Was bringt es anderen Menschen, Bierdeckel oder Kronkorken zu sammeln? Man erfreut sich dran :lol: Und wenn ich mir meine Coins ansehe, macht es für mich ja keinen Unterschied, ob sie aktiviert sind oder nicht :wink:

Aktiviert kann ich sie natürlich besser mit anderen teilen (auf Events discovern lassen). Aktiviert verlieren sie aber an Wert, falls ich jemals welche davon verkaufen will. Meist aktiviere ich daher nur eine von einer Sorte. Dann hab ich auch das schöne Icon in meinem Profil :lol:


Bei mir sind es etwa 400 (GeoFaex-Coins nicht mitgezählt)

Davon ca. 250 aus den Jahren 2004, 2005 und erstes Quartal 2006. Danach kam der Coinhype und seitdem bin ich sehr wählerisch.
